Atlas of Minor Oral Surgery

Sample Book 1

Atlas of Minor Oral Surgery

by D McGowan

ISBN 1853177660 Publisher: Martin Dunitz


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Book Description

Minor oral surgery comprises those surgical operations that can comfortably be completed by a practiced non-specialist dentist in not more than 30 minutes under local anaesthesia. The first edition of this atlas established itself as a guide book for all those who wished to learn or improve their knowledge of this branch of the surgeon's art: from his many years of clinical teaching experience, the author outlined those principles essential to effective decision-making, preparation and procedure, and related those principles to common surgical practice. This second edition includes new cases and has been revised to reflect increased concern with cross-infection control and pre-operative advice.



Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Preoperative Preparation The Operation Postoperative Care Retained Roots Third Molar Removal Endodontic Surgery Orthodontic Surgery Prosthodontic Surgery Cysts Soft Tissue Biopsy Oro-Antral Fistula Appendix A: Instruments Appendix B: Medicaments and Materials Appendix C: Sample Pre-operative advice leaflet Appendix D: Sample Postoperative Advice Leaflet



".. A bible for practised non-specialist dentists to follow.." - "..A priority purchase for any general dental practitioner involved in minor oral surgery." The Probe - British Dental Journal