Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

Sample Book 1

Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure

by G J Mount, W R Hume

ISBN 0723431027


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Book Description

The preservation and restoration of teeth is an important topic which forms a major portion of day to day dental practice. This book provides complete coverage relating the basic science to the techniques and procedures, as well as an understanding of disease processes as a foundation to the management of tooth disorders. It also covers prevention methods as well as operative intervention in the management of diseases of the teeth. Coverage is fully comprehensive ranging from tooth structure, diseases effecting the teeth and relevant dental materials as well as the key techniques and procedures for tooth restoration. The accompanying CD-Rom includes all the illustrations from the text plus a further 400 illustrations to show the complete series of cases and treatments



This volume provides information relating the basic science to the techniques and procedures of preservation and restoration of tooth structure. Coverage includes: the "basic sciences" related to tooth structure and tooth decay including preventive techniques; the basic principles and instruments used in restorative dentistry; the various types of dental materials and their applications; problems related to restoration focusing on the pulp and periodontium.