Periodontics: current concepts and treatment strategies

Sample Book 1

Periodontics: current concepts and treatment strategies

by P Galgut, S Dowsett & M Kowolik

ISBN 1853179817 Publisher: Martin Dunitz


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Book Description

The realization that there is a wide variation in susceptibility to disease and tooth loss is challenging the traditional approach to periodontal diseases and their treatment. This text discusses the current concepts of this group of diseases, and offers an up-to-date review of treatment needs and relevant techniques.



The Periodontum in Health and Disease - The Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases - The Microbiology of Periodontal Diseases - The Host Response in Periodontal Diseases - Systemic Influences in the Progression of Periodontics - Systemic Effects of Periodontal Diseases - Gingivitis and Periodontics - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in the Periodontal Patient - Mechanical Treatment of Periodontal Diseases - The Role of Surgery in Periodontal Treatment - Chemotherapeutic Agents in the Management of Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease - Restorative Considerations in the Periodontics Patient - Peri-Implantitis - The Future .