Elements of Dental Materials

Sample Book 1

Elements of Dental Materials: For Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants

by R W Phillips & B K Moore

ISBN 0721642985


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Book Description

Phillips and Moore have now revised and updated this immensely helpful reference to reflect changes in the way in which dentistry is practised, as well as the vast recent advances in dental materials science. New and expanded coverage prepares the reader for today's materials and procedures, including castable ceramics, computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) of ceramic restorations, implant materials and types, inelastic and elastomeric impression materials, direct filling restorative resins, dental cements - and much more!



Revised and updated to include materials and delivery systems which have been introduced since the fourth edition was published in 1984, this book includes expanded coverage of materials that relates to a esthetic dentistry. The book also includes thorough discussion of implant material, and addresses the safety of materials. Lists are used to clarify and emphasize related ideas and step-by-step procedures.