Behavioural Sciences for Dentistry

Sample Book 1

Behavioural Sciences for Dentistry

by G Humphries, M S Ling & A Blinkhorn

ISBN 0443051909


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Book Description

This is a textbook on behavioural sciences for dental students which offers a balanced approach to the behavioural issues are that are important in dentistry, both at the level of the individual patient, (eg. strategies for reducing anxiety in nervous and phobic patients), and at a broader level in motivating the population as a whole to adopt a healthier diet.


Introduction; Attending the Dentist; Expectations of the Consultation; The Dental Team; The Social Context of Dental Care for Elderly People; Using Communication Skills; Management of Patients' Anxiety; Psychosocial Factors in the Aetiology of Oral Health Problems; Psychosocial Reactions and Disorders Related to Oral Health; Health Education and Health Promotion; Doing Research in Dental Behavioural Science;


A concise introduction to psychology, sociology and communication for the dental student. Competition tends to be biased towards either sociology or psychology. * Focuses on practical and clinically relevant issues - eg management of patients' anxiety. * Uses cases and examples from dental practice